Alex and Alex and the Holt Fleet

Alex and Alex not only chose to have the same name but also decided to marry each other. What are the odds eh?

We totally lucked out on the weather and made the most of the riverside setting - even the local swans decided to drop in for a butchers at the celebrations. Bride Alex (not to be confused with groom Alex) got ready at the St. Andrew’s Town House hotel in nearby Droitwich before their ceremony on the covered terrace at the Holt Fleet.

Robert Roberts (because of course EVERYONE has two names now) provided the piano accompaniment to the day with his ivory* tickling.

So, to recap: Alex and Alex booked Robert Roberts to play piano. If Richard the MC’s last name is Richards, I’m going to lose my shit. I may also be overplaying the whole thing for no other reason than it gives me something to write about on this blog. I can do what I want.

Any road, have a look… :)

*no actual elephant parts as it’s a keyboard but the phrase ‘tickling the plastic keys’ doesn’t cut the mustard



Make-up: @ruthstarkiemua

Hair: @hairbylauraprice

Flowers: tbc


Decor: tbc

DJ: tbc