Christine and Sean's John O'Gaunt Wedding

I’ve known our lovely bride’s Mum since middle school so I put a good word in for myself to be the one who captured the big ol’ special day for Christine and Sean…

If I’m honest, I’m a bit cream crackered due to a very weddingy week so am basically writing any old crap here (no change there than eh amy?) so feel free to look away. Not completely away - just away from this written bit.

Look at the photos! The photos dammit!!

*rude but accurate tbf


Ceremony: All Saints Church, Sutton

Venue: John O’Groat’s Golf Club

Florals: Ugh, I’ve forgotten already. I’ll update once I’ve reminded myself…

Other weddingy suppliers like the band and the DJ? See above. Honestly, I’m useless.

Off to watch Ghosts. Not actual ghosts (because they’re not real) the telly show. Bye.